"The biggest and best thing I did was finding good mentorship."
Nima Etemadian | Tripled his revenue last year
Personalized Advice from Injury-Marketing Pros.
Support and Accountability from Injury Peers.
Our Consulting Groups provide:
  • Coaching from rotating high-growth practitioners
  • ​Mastermind support from non-competitive peers 
  • ​High-value improvements efficiently and affordably delivered
Obtaining the right mentorship can have a hugely positive impact on the health and growth of your personal injury law firm. You learn what is holding back your revenue growth, how to increase profitability, and multiple ways to increase and convert leads.

Joining a James Personal Injury Consulting Group delivers that mentorship without the drawbacks present in other coaching programs. You receive:
1. Coaching from Rotating High-Growth Practitioners
We encounter many lawyers who have tried several coaching programs. They complain that the advice grows repetitive after awhile. This is understandable, as each advisor has a limited number of tricks in their playbook.

Our Consulting Groups avoid this shortcoming by drawing upon the knowledge of a large and rotating group of advisors who each own a growing personal injury firm. The advisors’ firms come in different sizes and marketplaces, and with varying ad budgets, growth rates, and marketing channels. Some spend millions on marketing and others invest zero dollars.

All of our advisors still actively manage their firms, so the advice you receive is up-to-date and proven in practice. Your group will receive individually tailored guidance from successful injury firm owner-marketers like:
  • Ali Awad
  • Matt Dubin
  • Nima Etemadian
  • ​Darryl Isaacs
  • ​Justin Lovely
  • ​Jason Melton
  • Mike Morse
  • Kyle Newman
  • Tina Odjaghian
  • ​Narimon Pishnamaz
  • ​Brett Sachs
  • ​Robert Simon
2. Mastermind Support from Non-Competitive Peers
No matter how proven and on-point the advice you receive, it is worth little without implementation. This is where the support and accountability of being in a group of 8 growth-minded injury firm owners will pay.

When you encounter challenges, your group’s members will be there to suggest solutions and provide encouragement. When you let daily distractions keep you from working on high-impact process improvements, the members will remind you that you are the one impeding your firm’s progress. And when you simply need to talk to someone who will understand what you are going through, the members will be there for you.
3. High-Value Improvements Efficiently and Affordably Delivered
Our Consulting Group’s format respects your time and your budget.

I use Zoom meetings to avoid the days away from the office and costs that travel brings. I run a tightly structured meeting to deliver maximum help in minimal time. I base my choice of guest speaker on the issues most important to the group. And the price charged is less than a third of what most coaching and mastermind programs cost.

Here is how a Consulting Group works:
  • 8 non-competing owners of injury firms. I vet applicants for growth, innovativeness, size, and willingness to help so that your group is composed of relevant practices, supportive owners, and helpful examples.
  • ​​Monthly virtual meetings. Learn best practices, compare performance and progress, receive solutions to your issues, share the cost of marketing experiments, hear recommendations of what you should do next, and be held accountable when you don’t.
  • High-performing practitioner-consultants. Every other monthly meeting I bring in a high-growth firm owner who has surpassed the hurdles your group is currently facing. You will be able to directly ask what they would do if in your shoes. 
  • ​My assistance with your challenges. Sometimes I have the solution. Maybe you need a new vendor recommendation, or to fill a gap in your marketing content. When I can solve your problem, I will step in. Where I can help you flesh out your marketing plan, I will.
  • ​Affordable pricing. The cost of this high-value program is $795/month, which we will refund after the first meeting if you are dissatisfied. 
To learn more and get your questions answered, schedule an appointment with me.   
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