Obtain More Client Inquiries 
  • New agency shortcomings. If your client inquiries are not increasing within 3 months of retaining an online marketing agency, you need to more closely scrutinize their work. Chapter 4 tells you what to examine.
  • Old agency shortcomings. If you have been with your agency 6 months or more and they are not delivering client inquiries at an affordable cost, then it is time to switch agencies. In chapters 2 and 3 we profile the legal marketing agencies with the most top rankings.
  • Solid website traffic but few inquiries. Most law firms fail to use the conversion devices adopted long ago by successful online marketers. We detail them and provide illustrations of legal-oriented versions in Chapter 5.
  • Few professional referrals. Finding suitable referral partners is hard and time-consuming work. After setting hundreds of referral appointments for lawyers, we have learned the most efficient approach. We explain it in Chapter 6.
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