Breaking Marketing Rules
& Getting Clients


We continue our interview series with successful attorney-marketers where we uncover
what's working, what's not, and how you can get on a similar path to growth.
Marc Wasserman and his brother have built a huge brand in their firm Pot Brothers at Law and its trademark saying, ‘Shut the Fuck Up.’ Their startup story is an interesting one, and driven entirely by free networking and organic social media.

Marc's firm now has 485,000 followers on Instagram and 669,000 followers on TikTok.

The story shows the power of riding a demand wave, listening to your commenters, creating a memorable brand, and perhaps most important, creating a charismatic presence on social media.

During this session, Marc will break down:
  • How he gets clients from social media (and bars)
  • Why you need to engage with prospects online
  • Why prospects hold on to his business card
  • ​The importance of charging more for your service
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Host: Kara Prior, President of James Publishing

Kara Prior is president of James Publishing and co-founder of James’ Marketing Amplifier software program.  

She spends most of her time talking to attorneys about how to improve their marketing results.

Kara has a vast marketing and writing background, working for several newspapers and managing Entrepreneur magazine's 100,000-member social network before joining James Publishing seven years ago. 

Kara is co-author of two books: The Most Effective Law Firm Marketing Agencies, and How Small Law Firms Can Obtain More Referrals. She is the mother of two young boys, and was captain of her Division 1 college swim team.

Guest Expert: Marc Wasserman, Attorney

Before enrolling in law school, Marc Wasserman lived in Los Angeles and pursued a career in the film industry, and he successfully wrote his own film titled "Terminal." 

After graduating from Western State College of Law, he worked by himself. Soon after, he began to work with his brother at the Pot Brothers At Law. 

In his free time, he still enjoys acting, producing, and writing for both film and theatre.